Our blog is dedicated to bringing the larger UBC community together in a sustainable way by sharing some practical knowledge related to sustainable practices and resources.
Vegan Holiday Recipes
Whether vegan or not, this guide offers inspiration for those looking to try out some new vegan recipes over the holidays.
Gift Wrapping Tips for a Sustainable Holiday Season!
The holiday season is upon us! Sadly, as the holidays approach paper waste skyrockets. As you think of your gifts for the holidays, don’t forget to consider sustainable gift wrapping practices.
Eating Seasonally and Shopping Locally: A How-To Guide
Rotating your diet throughout the year to incorporate seasonal fruits and vegetables brings a diversity in both taste and nutrition. Falsely conceived as unrealistic or daunting, embracing seasonal eating can instead be a budget friendly endeavour that supports local economies as well as planetary and individual health.
Pumpkin Season
As pumpkin season is in full force, the sustainability committee is excited to share some recipes and pumpkin waste management suggestions!